Grounding Gravitas – Downward dogs 8 benefits

(Believe it or not I thought my arms were straight in this 🙈)

When yoga is mentioned, one of the first postures that springs into peoples mind is Downward dog, and for good reason. It provides a multitude of benefits for beginners and advanced practitioners with its simultaneous stretching and strengthening action in a moment that encourages a connection with the centre. Turning inwards whilst stretching the body into a long line has a unifying effect. It’s the first asana that both my boys started experimenting with and a go to for me if I’m struggling to find motivation to step on to my mat. By getting on my paws ( see what I did 😜🙈) to gently pad into this mild inversion and breath for 5, I’m given just the right burst of energy I need to fill me with inspiration to stay for that 5/10/30/60 mins longer. So whats in a name? Broken down in Sanskrit it reads as…

AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog

and watching a dog stretch it’s way to being awake it all makes sense ☺️. You’ll notice that many of the Sanskrit and English names of asanas ( physical postures) are taken from animals and other entities found in nature. In yoga, the natural world is especially important. Unfortunately, for our canine best friends, dogs don’t fare well in Indian history, being considered dirty and to be avoided at all costs but I did manage to find out about one that is loved and revered near the end of the Mahabharata, Indias monumental, national epic.So here’s a little snippet of that for your enjoyment…( scroll down for Downdog instructions )

..After winning the Mahabharata war, the Pandavas decided to renounce their kingdom and begin their final journey to Heaven. As they ascended a mountain, Yudhisthira – the eldest Pandava – led the way, followed by Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula, Sahadeva and Draupadi. A dog also accompanied them on their journey…

And now only Yudhisthira and the dog were left, continuing the journey together.

And finally, Indra descended in his chariot. He praised the extraordinary qualities of Yudhisthira and invited him into the chariot to ascend to heaven.

“The dog must come with me,” said Yudhisthira

“That is not possible,” said Indra. “All cannot attain heaven. The dog is old and thin and has no value.”

“In that case, I do not seek heaven, “replied Yudhisthira. “The dog was my faithful companion and I cannot abandon it. It sought my help and gave me unconditional love. The pleasures of heaven will mean nothing to me in comparison to its grief. It has done nothing to deserve abandonment and had none of the weaknesses of my wife and brothers. If it does not deserve to go to heaven, then neither do I.”
And so he turned back.

“Stop!” cried Indra. “None have the qualities that you possess, O Yudhisthira! The dog is Dharma, from whom you have descended!”

And indeed, the dog had transformed into the God of Dharma and blessed Yudhisthira for his complete lack of selfishness and dedication to righteousness in all circumstances.

And thus rose Yudhisthira to heaven in the chariot of Indra…..



start in table top position on hands and knees, hips stacked over knees and hands slightly in front of shoulders, spread energy through the 4 corners of the palms and out through the fingers to protect the wrists, brace your core and take an inhale.


on exhale tuck toes under and lift tailbone towards the sky, drawing in the navel, feet and hands hip width apart.


the first point of focus is to get a straight line from your wrists all the way up to the tailbone so it may help to keep the heels lifted at first ( you can place a block or rolled up blanket under them for support) and keep the knees bent.


Your tailbone should be the tip of the angle so encourage a tilt from that point to work towards flattening the back forwards, simultaneously draw the shoulder blades towards the pelvis, feel like the armpits are 2 eyes turning to look at each other, widen the shoulders creating space between them and your ears, draw upper arms towards each other and slightly rotate inwards keeping arms straight.


Feel the energy through the knuckles of fingers and out to tips, find a connection with the earth whilst drawing energy upwards through the palms up through to the pelvis and beyond.


Once this side of your triangle shape has been established you can then lengthen your legs, push thighs back and extend heels down to the ground until. To avoid hyperextending knees ( guilty 🙋🏼‍♀️🙈) think about keeping a microbend in the knees. Engage and slightly rotate inner legs inwards.


take 5 deep, slow breaths. Find length through the spine and lift through the tailbone on the inhale and melt through any tension on the exhale.


Although this posture is recommended for beginners, it can actually be very challenging and overwhelming at first, here’s some things to help support you…


Use blocks, a hard chair or even a wall to place hands at a higher level to take weight off them so you can focus on alignment of upper body with less pressure


Hold a block or cushion between upper thighs to encourage thighs together and help strengthen.


Keep knees bent and pace a block or rolled up towel under heels to lift.


  1. Calms the mind, releasing stress and tension
  2. Improves flow of circulation and lymphatic system
  3. Energises body
  4. Strengthens arms and legs
  5. Stretches arms, hamstrings, calves, shoulders.
  6. Introduces feeling of being inverted
  7. Helps regulate blood pressure
  8. Relieves headache, insomnia, back pain, sciatica


  1. Dont practice in late pregnancy
  2. Carpal Tunnel syndrome
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Headache or migraine

Everyone’s bodies are all built beautifully different so any questions fire away in the comments section, via my Facebook page or instagram account.

Dreams are made real by people who show up for them…

Spending so much time on my own is a weird sensation. I show up for my boys everyday, meet their needs, make sure they are happy, safe, secure, clean, watered and fed… but apart from that there’s no other ‘necessary’ thing or person I need to show up for. Potentially nobody would know what I was wearing, if I’d done my hair, hoovered the floor, got on my mat. There is no money/job at present for me to work for. I don’t get paid regardless of what I do or don’t do…It can seem that outside the purpose I have for my sons, there is no other purpose other than cleaning and tidying and cleaning and tidying … did I mention cleaning and tidying ?!? 🙈😜😂and I’m rubbish at that 🙈😂 …In fact, I could spend every day in my PJs if I wanted eating ice cream and watching trashy Day time TV. ….. but settling for this cycle of events just doesn’t feel right,!! ..of course, without question, my sons are my main purpose right now so I show up everyday for them, but there’s one other person that I can’t forget that I need to show up for… and that’s myself. The more I have within myself, the more I can give to my boys, by keeping my dreams and hopes alive my sons can be inspired to follow their own. One thing I will never see my children as is a hindrance. There’s no point getting frustrated about what I was able to do before I had them which I can’t do now because then was then and now is now.: in fact I couldn’t do then what I can do now because I didn’t have enough self confidence or knowledge of my capabilities. They have given me the gift of rethinking, reorganising and rediscovering myself and my life. Strengths and skills have emerged that I never knew I had before and as much as I’m the adult, the carer, the supporter, the nurturer, the teacher…. my little cherubs are lifting me up when I’m tired, filling me with giggles when Im feeling lonely, and simplifying what’s important when I feel overwhelmed. They are the power that overhauls doubt and fill me with reason and I step on my mat everyday, I step outside, I step forwards firmly and with purpose and I know the adventures will follow, for all of us. I want to always show up for my dreams, like so many that I admire have done and do so daily. I see people overcome the seemingly impossible everyday just because they ‘show up’. Dreams are made real by people who show up for them..and having the power within ourselves to do that is a pretty awesome thing! 😄😄 ‘As the mind, so the person; bondage or liberation are in your own mind.” If you feel bound, you are bound. If you feel liberated, you are liberated. Things outside neither bind nor liberate you; only your attitude toward them does that.’ Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami

Fizzling with Fever- breathout the burn out


Getting poorly sucks!! Getting poorly as a freelancer sucks even more as calling in sick just isn’t an option most of the time, and getting poorly when you have to look after 2 little boys on your own throws up a whole new level of ‘sucks’. Having a temperature over 39.4 whilst your toddler jumps on your head, forgets that poo is for the toilet, not pants, and thinks the best way to show affection for his brother is by lying on/ doing yoga over him and driving cars over his body is pretty challenging 😬😬

Perfect place to practice a 3 legged downward dog 😜

throw in a baby that needs round the clock care and attention whilst juggling Widow Twanky chores and the results are far from pretty 😷😝🙈 Thankfully, under normal circumstances my immune system is pretty tough and due to breastfeeding Elijah into toddlerhood he rarely brought home any nasty bugs for us to contend with for a long time. When I have felt a niggle, normally a steam, some lemon and honey and a lot of garlic fights it off before it gets a chance to set in! 

Circumstances aren’t always ideal though and we are all just human beings after all, alas, I did finally burn out and get struck down, in a pretty dramatic manner at that! A week in hospital with pneumonia and Sepsis, accompanied by severe dehydration despite drinking like a fish! 😷 It all happened so quick!

Get well Love off my boys ❤️

The messages of love and support were so amazing. To have so many people care about me feels extremely special. Of course the obligatory “slow down Kerry “ is always needed as this buzzy bee rarely lets her wings rest. Well meaning messages also come through suggesting maybe it’s the breastfeeding that’s made me sick, and maybe I shouldn’t have been doing yoga! But in truth it’s neither of those 2 things that led me to getting so sick! Breastfeeding makes my life so much easier. I’m too lazy to fuss with any bottle paraphernalia and it’s my all in one golden parenting tool for nourishment, immunity, medicine and trantrum taming. It’s the magic that soothes all the ouchies of the heart or body in one simple gesture of love.. plus I get to lie down.
Post milk snuggles


My yoga practice isn’t the hardcore training sessions you may expect either. I have very little interest in ‘working out’. Like my dancing career before, ‘being in shape’ is just a happy bonus that comes with the lifestyle! I only get to do very short bursts of yoga, maybe 30mins here or there, and it’s my small moment to reconnect with who I am between the laundry loads, smoothie splattered walls and snot. It keeps me healthy, happy and peaceful inside and out and it rarely makes me break a sweat. Now get me running 5K, lifting weights at the gym or sparring at this stage post partum and I’d be a ball of mess 🙈😂 The most important thing about my yoga practice is that I listen to my body, mind and soul and what it needs on each given hour of the day. Adapting and learning every step of the way.

Some of the shapes I create may seem extreme but having been a dancer since I was 4, there are certain asanas that come naturally to me. On my post partum journey so far I’ve kept within my comfort zones, taking shapes that my body over the last 31 years have come to know inside out and enjoy the feel of! Allowing myself to play without punishing the body that has served me so well throughout pregnancy and labour! That’s not to say I haven’t played my part in getting poorly! I’m not one for taking a rest, I feel too guilty when there’s still laundry in the basket, paperwork to sort and toys to clear away … I internalise my anxieties about money, making sure I’m giving both boys enough love and attention and simply getting us all out the door on time. My head constantly swims with a thousand thoughts and I never ask for help when I feel overwhelmed. 

Stress and anxiety brings on illness 10 times quicker than any amount of activity so when I picked up a simple bug and combined it with a weeks worth of sleepless nights due to an under the weather toddler and stress about bills etc my body sunk quicker than a lead balloon. 

In truth, I hadn’t practiced any form of yoga for over a week and I hadn’t been giving myself any time to do the most important elements of all…Pranayama ( breathing) or meditation.. the 2 things I needed most of all in my life. It served as a stark reminder of how temporary and vulnerable our bodies can be. Being told that my levels could have killed an elderly patient and that the Sepsis could have taken a nasty turn had I of waited any longer to see the doc is quite a thought provoking spin out! 


Things do happen for a reason though and despite the bruised forearms from various IV concoctions, I’ve had a jolly lovely time resting, reading, binge watching Game of thrones series 5 & 6 and having lots of one on one time with Bodhi ( so grateful for the NHS letting him stay with me so I could breastfeed )  obstacles ARE opportunities and this has been a wonderful chance for me to catch up on all the yoga philosophy I’ve been struggling to find the time to learn about. Was I bored??? Not at all in the slightest 😀​


My yoga practice will certainly take on a more restorative form over the coming weeks though! That’s what I love about yoga, it’s a journey that anyone can take at any time whatever their circumstances! Pranayama ( breathing) is an extremely important element of yoga. It’s easy to skip over the breathing techniques dismissing them as simple, taking our breath for granted, but, it is what fuels us subconsciously every second of the day. It’s what brings heat and fire into the body which converts to energy that drives our actions and heals our weaknesses. 


Pranayama is about making the unconscious act of breathing, conscious. It is essential that this process is efficient so that oxygen, carbon dioxide and other soluble gas levels in the blood are balanced perfectly. The more stress, pressure and emotion we experience, the more restricted and shallow the breath becomes, in fact most of us only use 2 thirds of our lungs capacity. As the alarm bells of the sympathetic nervous system are constantly being rung, the cycle of stress, anxiety and shallow breathing is perpetuated. This in turn deprives the body of oxygen and the prana essential to its good health. 


There’s a whole heap of Pranayama techniques that are incredible at helping heal and prevent respiratory illness. A perfect technique for understanding how our own lungs work and their capabilities is 3 PART BREATH! It helps utilise every inch of the lungs effectively by exploring the 3 cavities; the belly, the thoracic and the chest. Here’s a link to a full written description of the technique which I posted last year.

And below is a video tutorial for you to try out! ( excuse the toddler video bomb 🙈😜) 

Stayed tuned and I’ll soon be posting about more Pranyama, Kriya and Asana techniques that are great for preventing and aiding the healing process of respiratory illness. Always follow the guidance of your doctor though and listen, listen and listen once again to what your body is telling you xx 

Sick bowl hats 😀🙈

Escape the New year shame game and let your intentions fly.

Hello January and hello hard New Years resolution sellers!!
Be honest, who has made a New Years resolution and stuck to it rigidly? If you have then a huge well done and long may it continue. If you haven’t then don’t worry, be patient, reset and don’t be hard on yourself! The run up to Christmas for the majority of us is extremely manic. December sees us juggling our everyday schedules of work and family life with preparing, decorating, present buying, eating, drinking, catching up with friends and family, parties etc etc, which isn’t a bad thing, ‘It’s the most magical season of all’… after all….. We wake up bleary eyed on the 1st Jan and we’re smashed right back down to reality, suddenly our TVs, magazines, Newspapers, Facebook feeds etc are filled with Pressures from every angle to instantaneously make BIG changes, LOSE WEIGHT FAST, EAT CLEAN, DETOX IN A MONTH ( which is nonsense btw ), NO EXCUSES, NOW NOW NOW… “AAAAAAGGGGHHHH” 😱😱😱 

Needless to say, I always tend to go into a gentle hibernation this month as much as possible.

 I need a holiday from the holiday and time to even life out a bit, time to think straight and space to recuperate and reconnect with myself. Now I completely understand that people running a business need to generate money by taking advantage of opportune times, such as New Year, when we all feel a tad guilty about our indulgences over the festive period and are filled with that post festive adrenaline rush of desire to transform our lives. I don’t blame these companies at all and accept that it will always happen. What we can, and should to do as individuals, is recognise how we react to this pressure, how it makes us feel about ourselves and if it’s really necessary or helpful to feel that way. Nourishing our spirits with festive fun is nothing to feel guilty about, in truth, using shame to drive anything is counterproductive as it causes us to rush blindly into sudden drastic life changes on a whim, many of which require a huge element of time, money and commitment such as gym membership, diet overhauls, a permanent ceasing of longterm habits. It can potentially become way too overwhelming and sets us up for disappointment in ourselves if we don’t immediately live up to the expectations we put on ourselves adding fuel to the cyclical fire. That’s not to say we shouldn’t make changes and adjustments to our life. I’m a class half full girl and there’s always ways life can improve for ourselves and others around us. It’s exceptionally important to constantly re-evaluate how we are living, how we are treating others, and how we are treating ourselves. This can, and should be done at any moment throughout the year, but of course there’s no denying that New year in particular can fill us with excitement, enthusiasm and optimism. Its fantastic to harness this positive energy. What we don’t want to do is burn it all up in a big explosive bonfire of grand gestures and big, sudden commitments that only serve to put our minds and bodies into shock. We’ve got to approach things realistically. 

January for me personally is a time to recover from the busy festivities of December, a time to reflect on all the comings and goings of the last year, what I’m grateful for, what didn’t work for me, what I would like to change, why I would like it to change it and how I can implement that in the best way possible. I like to set long term intentions rather than short term promises to myself. I don’t necessarily have to have all the answers and know how Im going to get there, but if I can picture where I would like my life to go then subliminally everyday I will take steps, however small they might seem to get there.

The most important first step to take is to create a strong solid foundation within yourself on which to build, spend January nurturing and nourishing from the inside out. Let’s take a quick look at some common resolutions and different ways of approaching them..

If you want to lose weight look at why you want to do so, is it to feel healthier, ?is it to feel more confident?, is it to attract the attention of your hearts desire? Ultimately the foundation that needs to be worked on first and foremost, for all these reasons, is self love. When we love something, we want to look after it, feed it well, fill it with fun and joy, with this comes more energy to be active, to get outdoors, we feel more spirited, younger, full of new inspirations, “maybe I could enter that 5Km charity run/tough mudder challenge/ learn to handstand…” …. Low and behold, before you know it, a new. glowing, perhaps even more toned and streamlined reflection in the mirror is beaming back at you. No guilt, shame or punishment required.

If you want to quit a bad habit like smoking or drinking… look first at the negative factors in your life that push you to continue. What are the underlying stresses? Are there ways to eliminate them from your life? are there other ways of managing that stress i.e. exercise, music, meditation, friendships?? How can you prepare your body and mind to be as strong as possible to deal with any unwanted side effects? Eating healthily?, reading a self help book? hypno therapy? acupressure? homeopathy?

All these are just suggestions of course, ultimately the answers can only be found within yourself, I can’t dictate to you in any way,but hopefully it might serve as a starting point. The most valuable thing any of us can do is prepare, we owe it to ourselves.

What are my personal intentions?

-to embrace life, and the people in it, discover more, travel more.

-create a safe and nourishing environment for my children

-Keep myself as nurtured internally and externally as I can so I can be strong enough to be the best mother, partner, friend, daughter that I can be…

They’re all pretty non specific ( and perhaps a bit cheesy ) but right now I don’t see the need to set rigid goals for myself, ( or care if anyone judges my ‘hippy dippy’ ‘lefty loopy’ stance on life 😜) life is pretty unpredictable right now with a toddler and bun in the oven. Self employment always brings an element of uncertainty. I’ve learnt that being too specific about what I think I need to achieve more often than not creates a tunnel and I miss out on the opportunities and people that I truly need in my life.

I have 2 major dreams in life. I dream of travelling the world with my family and owning our own home… I have no idea how any of that is going to happen yet but everyday that vision lays quietly in my mind and I trust that each step I take leads us closer.

Instagram @barefootkerry

Breastfeeding in public – why the fuss?


I was asked to join a discussion about breastfeeding in public by BBC Essex for the Sadie Nine show yesterday morning. They were doing a live outdoors broadcast from the Char-Latte Cafe in Basildon who are very breastfeeding friendly ( and do amazing food and drinks to boot ) so was a perfect time and place to discuss a very relevant subject for breastfeeding mothers. It’s a big shame that there is still so many negative views about a simple act of Nourishment, nuture and Love, but I also understand how misinformation or lack of knowledge on the subject, as well as a misconception of the role of breasts, has lead people to object or feel uneasy. Im hoping, in this post, to explain a few ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ from a breastfeeding mothers point of view, answering common objections from people. I’ll do this in a bullet point fashion to make it easier to read.

First up though I want to quickly address one of the subjects raise which was that I am ‘Still’ breastfeeding a 2 year old.img_5138 Honestly, 2 years really is NOTHING! Elijah is still so small and I’ve not even reached the WHO’s advised minimum age with is 2.5 years and beyond. I was asked when I planned on stopping and “what if he never wants to stop?’ At present I’m letting the process happen as organically as possible. The breastfeeding relationship between Elijah and I is about mutual respect. I respect that he will maturing at his own rate and needs my support through that. Equally I’m teaching him to respect my space now that he is a toddler and I can start explaining to him if he needs to wait or that he can’t just grab at me etc, I originally planned on feeding for a year but life didn’t happen that way, I’ve just gone with the flow and the way things are for us now just make sense.I personally can’t see us continuing after toddlerhood, thats my personal choice ( at the moment ) but he will still be a toddler for a while so in no rush at the moment. I could go on for a long time about the benefits of feeding a toddler ( but I might lose you before getting to the real point  of this post which was bf’ing in public. Here’s a brilliant link though if you’re interested in reading more.

Some woman and children continue breastfeeding way beyond toddlerhood though, and you know what… that is total NORMAL and cool too, it’s just nature, but due to historical factors over the last century in western countries we’ve just forgotten how or why. While extended nursing is uncommon in our culture though, it is not unusual from a global perspective.  They say the average age that children self wean is between 2.5-4 years with some weaning by 18months and some not until 6/7 years….There is a lot of science based evidence on how this is what humans are biologically designed for. Studies have looked at Primates and Mammals similar to us and observed many factors that indicate when the infant of that species weans.

  • Quadrupling of birth weight
  • eruption of first adult molar teeth
  • Reaching 1/3 of adult weight
  • A multiplication of gestation length.

I LOVE science so find it all very fascinating. If you want to read more have a look here .

“As recommended by the WHO, breastfeeding should ideally continue beyond infancy, but this is not the cultural norm in the United States and requires ongoing support and encouragement. It has been estimated that a natural weaning age for humans is between two and seven years. Family physicians should be knowledgeable regarding the ongoing benefits to the child of extended breastfeeding, including continued immune protection, better social adjustment, and having a sustainable food source in times of emergency. The longer women breastfeed, the greater the decrease in their risk of breast cancer.” They also note that “If the child is younger than two years of age, the child is at increased risk of illness if weaned.” (AAFP 2008)

Another interesting fact to acknowledge is that a childs immunity system isn’t developed until 4 – 6 years of age. I for one know how magic breastmilk has been through illness ( or lack of from Elijahs point of view )

I’m personally hoping that Elijah self weans in the next 6months maybe a year if I’m feeling brave. I’m not sure if I can personally go for longer than that. As I said, this is just personal choice and some may think thats a selfish view point, some may think thats ‘weird’, but we have to do what feels right for ourselves and our own children. Woman have the right to breastfeed ( or not ) for as little or as long as they feel right. I know that realistically if I want weaning to happen by then I may need to initiate a bit of gentle persuasion with distraction techniques etc ( Dr Sears, KellyMom and LaLecheLeague have some amazing advice for woman who want to gently help their child to wean ) Who knows how I’ll feel in a months, 6 months, a years time though. Each woman and child has their own journey, thats why the world is made up of a wonderful eclectic mix of people. 2 years ago I thought breastfeeding until a year old was the limit, I certainly didn’t understand why anyone would continue into childhood simply because I didn’t know that much on the subject. I wasn’t educated in that way. Since then I’ve learnt so much and been connected with so many woman and now I TOTALLY understand. I will fully defend any mother who full term feeds, however long that may be. It’s good to remember too that all children WILL wean. there’s no need to fear an Harry Enfield ‘Bitty’ scenario.

Now onto the subject of feeding in public ( Finally! lol ) On a positive note, I have fed in many public places and not had negativity thrown my way in that instant. ( As I’ve mentioned before though that may be down to my nature of being lost in my own little world of times. )

, I’ve fed pretty much anywhere. Trains, planes, fine dining restaurants, cafes, park benches, On the floor under a large Christmas tree in Dam sq, Amsterdam, the beach, the lido, watching theatre, whilst taking pictures of a dance piece I was co directing ( see photo ), at meetings, whilst taking a workshop. Most of the time it really isn’t noticeable. My main priority is always Elijah and responding to his needs wherever that may be. I use my common sense and am mindful about the people around me. I’m pretty discreet about it, thats just my way though, everywoman is different and shouldn’t be shamed for fulfilling a simple act of motherhood, wherever and however that may be. A few points came up during the discussion that I’d love to address as there simply wasn’t enough time to do so. They are views that I can understand people having due to lack of knowledge on the subject so I thought I’d pass on bit of truth for them to take on board if they wish. Here’s a few

  •  “You wouldn’t go to the toilet in front of everyone, just go to the bathroom to feed the child when they need it.”

It’s honestly not as simple as that, for starters you can’t compare bladder and bowel emptying to the basic needs of a baby which is nourishment, comfort and love,and really the toilets are not a place for eating. It’s unhygienic. That’s not to say I haven’t fed Elijah in a toilet though, I can get shy at times, especially now that Elijah is a toddler and I worry about making people feel uncomfortable, but it’s a shame I feel like that.

  • “Well find another private place like the car or another room somewhere.”

Sometimes there are places which have access to rooms that give mothers more privacy which is great, I’ve certainly used them, but babies can feed for AGES! If you’ve gone to meet a friend for lunch you don’t want to have to abandon them for 30mins/1hour. It’s much better to be able to relax wherever you are and get on what you need to be doing. It’s not hurting anybody else. If somebody feels uncomfortable then then can easily turn away. As for feeding in car? I’ve done that too, in fact I did it the other  week after Elijah had a melt down in B&Q,  but in the summer the heat in a car is unbearable and certainly not safe for a baby feeding. Plus more people probably saw me while walking past my car than they would have done if I’d have been in the cafe.

  • Mothers should express and have a bottle ready

Getting a breastfed baby to take a bottle can be a big challenge, some take to it fine, others refuse point blank. It’s not always an option. Pumping can be really difficult for some, I find it painful, it chafes, it pulls, it bruises, and despite having a good healthy supply I can only get a few measly ounces after 30mins pumping time. A mothers breast is constantly filling up too, it can get uncomfortable if you can’t nurse. I made the mistake while sightseeing in Amsterdam of not nursing Elijah for 5-6 hours ( he was 8 months old and started eating/ drinking more so didn’t ask for it ) and developed a horrid bout of mastitis from it ( fever and vomitting from blocked ducts)

  • Cover up with a blanket

In the cooler months this may be fine. I’ve used blankets to keep us both warm and snuggly, but some babies really hate it. Especially when it’s hot and stuffy. Most of the time it would be way more obvious to use a blanket with Elijah as he would have been flailing around and kicking it off. I am modest though and find a strategically placed hand or cloth efficient for me… But I am small, with less boob flesh to cover. Woman come  in all different shapes and sizes, covering up can be easier said than done. From a mothers point of view getting a baby in the right position to latch on etc can be very awkward. If a mother can’t cover herself for whatever reason there really is no more on show than if they were wearing a low cut strapped too, a bikini or a man who is topless. It’s just a part of the body, no big deal. Give them a break, let them see what they are doing and help them feel at ease with their bodies.

  • Woman ‘flaunt’ their boobs while breastfeeding to get attention.

This is so far from true, I may be comfortable with feeding in public ( most of the time) but I’m certainly not an exhibitionist. A majority of mothers feel terribly self conscious about their bodies . Breastfeeding, although ‘natural’, is a learning curb for all of them. It can be a real challenge at times and it can take a woman great courage to feed in public. I know of some mums who end up staying at home constantly due to the way they are made to feel. It’s not fair that they should feel forced to hide away. Anyway, what’s so wrong about being proud of breastfeeding and motherhood? The ability to produce food is AMAZING! Having a child is an absolute honour. Why can’t people be able to embrace that freely if they have the confidence to? It should be celebrated as other cultures rightly do, not shamed. I may be too shy but some of the photographs of woman I have seen with their breasts on show, feeding their babies are quite simply beautiful. 

  • Don’t go out if you know the baby will need a feed, wait till a more appropriate time.

When a bay is ‘Fed on demand” you simply don’t know when they are going to need a feed. If you’re lucky it may be 3/4 hours between. They may get hungry after an hour of less. Not to mention that it’s not just about the nutrition. In out and about situations the baby may feel overwhelmed or overtired and need comfort via a mothers breast. You just can’t predict when that will happen.

  • Breasts should be kept private.

This is a statement reflective of a society that has grossly over sexualised a womans body. Boobs are more often than not associated with lads mags. Putting a slight feminist stance on things, why should we let pornography in it’s various guises own the image of breasts? The reason why men find boobs so attractive in the first place is because they indicate fertility. So lets honour them by identifying them by their original purpose which is a tool for motherhood. Motherhood is certainly not perverse.

I’ll leave it at that for now.  Elijah will wake from his afternoon nap very soon and I’ve used up most out of my time allowance already ;-). If you are someone adverse to breastfeeding in public please take a moment to look at it from the mother and childs point of view. It can be scary, daunting, challenging, awkward and embarrassing for the woman trying to do whats right for her child. Show patience and respect her dignity by understanding why and how she needs to be doing it. Quietly turn away if you need to, don’t draw her attention to yourself with tuts and face pulling. Just get on with your day as you please and be grateful that the child is being loved and looked after. Save your energy worrying about more important issues.

NB. I support all woman however they feed their child. If a child is Nourished, protected, nurtured and loved then that is the most important thing of all. Mothers shouldn’t be judged.

#Motherearthyogis on Instagram – fun for #yogamums and their #miniyogis

Anyone who follows me on Instagram will see that on top of my love of dancing and being a mum I also practice yoga. I’m nearly halfway through a 200hr yoga teacher training course  ( more on that later ) and taking every opportunity I can to practice practice practice. I’m also figuring out how the wonderful world of social media works. Instagram appeals to me most for the simple reason that I predominantly work visually. I love photography and how stories can be portrayed through them. It’s wonderful to watch people’s journeys, from all over the world, unfold through photojournalling.

There’s a lot of ‘discussion’ on the portrayal of yoga via platforms such as Instagram, snapchat, periscope etc etc ( again more on that another time as its a subject that intrigues me ) but as with anything in life, I need to experience how something works personally before I can pass a judgement on whether it works for me or not. So I’ve been throwing myself into #yogachallenges from a variety of hosts and in all honesty I’m having a wonderfully fun time at present. As hubby is away a lot, there is a limited amount of actual classes I can attend so home practice is very important. I would generally consider myself a motivated person, but that doesn’t mean that everyday I’m raring to bounce on the mat and follow another online class. I’m also aware that I need to start sequenceing my own practice in an intelligent way readying me for teaching. The yoga challenges give me a daily starting point of a posture to lead up to, or area to work on. I’ve learnt so many asanas so far and it challenges me to find a way to prepare every component of my body needed to maximise the posture. Before I know it I’ve done a 45 minute Hatha yoga practice which has required an intelligent approach.

One of my favourite accounts for inspiring me to push through my boundaries in a safe way is @cyogalab . Every post has a detailed description of how to safely achieve a posture from Carmen and it is followed by suggested warm ups and modifications for whatever stage of your practice you are at. Every month she works on a new area, be it hips, back, balance, core.

Another inspirational account for me is @kinomacgregor she has been a target of a lot of critism for bringing ashtanga yoga online in such a way that it has made her an online celebrity. But I adore her posts which are filled with honesty ,hardwork and dedication. Introducing people to the idea that yoga is way more than just physical poses. ( the philosophy behind it is fascinating and eye opening, I really look forward to learning and sharing more ).

Being a mum of a toddler of course throws in new challenges for home practice.

I become an upside down climbing frame, often decorated, while in a posture, with paint, hummus, soil… Anything he can get onto his sticky little hands.

thats hummus he’s putting on me
Being able to share this with other yogamums has provided so many giggles and inspired me in so many ways. Being a mum on my own can be lonely at times too so being able to connect with people with shared interests keeps my spirits and motivation high. Along the way, #yogamom challenges have increasingly popped up which have encouraged me to involve Elijah in a fun and educational way. He guinely loves joining in with me, I’ll often pop my head up to see him upside down with a leg stretched out and a cheeky beaming smile.

The piggy backs are a big hit too. We make lots of games out of my time on the mat which alleviates a lot of the ‘mummy guilt’ I get when trying to do ‘Me ‘ things.

I’ve recently started following a new account called @meddyteddy they’re the creators of an amazing new yoga teddy bear designed to stretch into all sorts of poses to help introduce kids to yoga. We’re a bit too strapped for cash at the moment to buy one for Elijah but when pennies aren’t so tight I think he’ll love it. We’ve been taking part in their yoga challenges though which has created many moments of cuteness and built new connections.

I was very excited and honoured to be announced a winner for the latest challenge #motherearthyogis 😀, hosted by @studioartyoga @boonandboys @yogachikitsa @ erincunninghamyoga @humblebeginningsyoga @yogibuffcakes @altruisticyogini @yoga_rockss and @meddyteddy (these are all such inspiring mothers and I recommend you take a peek at their profiles ….)receiving a prize from @plexusyogawheel. As funds are running low at the moment this is a very welcome help and I am so grateful 🙏🏻☺️

I’m aware that this is a fairly ‘shallow’ post from me on the subject of yoga, but I had a rare moment of calm while at hairdressers so thought I’d quickly scribble my thoughts of that moment. There really are so many different levels to explore and my passion for all elements grows as my practice does, but we all need a starting point. These are very early days into my journey so I have a lot to learn and  discover. I’ll post soon about what drew me to yoga in the first place but in the meantime feel free to join in my journey here and on Instagram @barefootkerry  .

Barefoot Baby steps

My heart has always been set firmly in the middle of 2 creative worlds. The Fast paced West End with its glittering press nights and competitive drive, and a Tranquil bohemian lifestyle of Travel, Ecoliving and nature. Over the years these two worlds have conflicted and complimented in equal measure and I have thoroughly enjoyed every step of my juxtaposed Life… Since April 2014 I have got to enter the most creative adventure of them all. Motherhood.

‘Blossom girl'( this is me 😉 )2012  blossom girl 10 x 8 print

Bringing Elijah into the world forced me to take a pause from the rollercoaster lifestyle of a theatre career. Allowing me a few moments ( between increasing mummy duties ha! ) to reflect, and most importantly breath and just ‘be Kerry’. Bringing my son into this world, watching him grow, explore, and learn at an exceptional pace, simply through playing and discovering, reminded me of the creative freedom I had as a child. ‘Playtime’ is how children discover themselves and the world around them. As an adult, this skill, along with creativity, often gets overshadowed by the daily grind. I set about reconnecting with my own inspirations. No motive, no destination and most importantly, no pressure.
                          ‘Patio pixies’ 2013        IMG_0379
‘Painting with nature’ is essentially a childhood pastime, a little hobby to while away the hours in my parents beautiful garden in the Suffolk countryside, or while camping and soaking up the great outdoors on our lengthy family trips around Europe. ( both parents are teaches so we were blessed with longer holidays ).IMG_2775‘One man and his dog’ 2009
It would start with an outdoor adventure,foraging little treasures along the way. At any given moment the shape of a flower or leaf or twig even, would remind me of an animal or character or story. I would stop in my tracks and let a picture organically form on the ground/ tree stump below. There was always something sad yet magical about leaving a little creation behind to get blown away by the wind, or snuffled by a passing hedgehog or squirrel, which is why my new found love of photography allows me to capture that moment when everything is fresh and newly formed before its componants get whisked back into the circle of life. More recently I’ve begun using a white blank canvas and it has been so much fun watching characters and stories jump on to the page. Foxy Florals 7 x 5‘Foxy Florals’2015
Having shared a few of my pics on social media sites I have been overwhelmed by the positive response and encouragement shown not only by friends and family, but also new faces from all walks of life. I have set up a fledgling business where people can buy my pictures as prints and cards with more possibilities to come. It’s a completely new world for me. I have little, to no idea of what I’m doing and I’m trying to figure it all out while raising a little person ( mostly on my own as husband works away 90% of the time ). I’m bound to make a heap of mistakes, trip up on obstacles along the way and spend a lot of time stumbling and feeling my way around.
As my 11 month old embarks on his first tiny babysteps, I too am taking my own first tentative tiptoes, destination unknown. I’m starting this blog as more of a diary for myself. My own little journey into a new chapter of my life. Hopefully I will be able to stay connected with my love of theatre and dance, whilst discovering a lost love of art and nature. Let these passions collide to help me become the best possible mummy I can be, which is the most important thing of all. Who knows what the future holds……watch this space….;-)
xxx                                   ‘willow wings’ 2011 buttercup bird_edited copywrighted